Friday, September 25, 2009

What flowers and chocolates can do

Yesterday, I had a terrible mood swing! I kinda want to call my myself a "drama queen", but let me just put it this way... How about it's because of hormonal imbalance? or maybe because I'm pregnant? Whatever the reason was, yesterday,my patience was tested. I got easily irritated with lame reasons. I called Isaac at work many times just to complain and whine. Nice! I totally don't want to do that again of course. I'm just grateful that my husband would let me pour out my feelings, instead of telling me to shut up and leave him alone. It was a long day for Isaac and I. When he got home last night, he surprised me with a bunch of flowers and a Hershey King size bar :-) Oh yes, it totally changed my mood! He also rented a chick flick movie for us to watch while I indulge myself with sugar, and made the baby and I a little hyper.haha! Since I rarely eat chocolate nowadays, just imagine the heavenly feeling and happiness!

here's a picture of my pretty flowers from Isaac.

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