Thursday, January 28, 2010

Waiting game...

The doctor told us that our baby is coming anytime this week or early next week. She can't tell us the exact date. But she said it will be very soon. I am dilated just a cm more but I already lost my mucous plug. It's one of the signs that labor pain is coming pretty soon. I am getting more braxton hicks. It's a little painful sometimes.But only God knows when he's coming...I am still hoping he will come out this Saturday (his due date) But if he decides to come out next week, it's okay. He's worth the wait because I love him so much!

I must admit that this waiting game is driving me nuts, especially I am not working. So to keep my sanity, I walk a lot, clean like a mad woman and clean some more :-) I am loving what this nesting syndrome is doing to our house :-)

I can't wait to hold my little boy in my arms. God knows how much we love him.

To my Dear Alex:

We're waiting for you patiently. If you want to stay a little longer in my tummy, it's okay. I know you're comfortable there. No pressure my little one. I just want you to know that we're ready to give you hundreds of kisses. We love you so much and we can't wait to see you!

Your MOM

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