Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 months

My sweet little guy is 2 months old! Here are his favorites:

* He loves music! Especially in the morning. He'll start fussing when I turn it off.

* He loves taking a bath. Most of the time, he'll pee on Mommy during his bath

* He loves his massage, just like his Mom and Dad

* He loves attention... although he's already the center of attention

* He loves strolling. I guess it motivates me to exercise

* He pays attention with his toys more. He loves colorful rattles.

* He loves to be tickled! It's so cute when laughs non-stop.

* He loves to play "penpen de sarapen" (a filipino game) with Mom.

* His eyes would follow Daddy when he's home. He'll usually start giving him fake cries so he will hold him. Pretty smart kid...

* He loves the camera and the camera loves him. And WE LOVE HIM SO...

Here are his 2 months pictorial:

Cool baby

My mestizo

Future heart breaker :)

I get this face a lot when I tell him that his handsome

I just love this face. He was complaining here...


Cool dude!

1 comment:

The Hart's said...

thanks for the comment, baby Alex is so cute too<:) and yes a lot of people say Kellan looks tons like me<:), i will say the same thing to you, Alex looks heaps like you too..funny how you play pen pen desarapen with him, i play it with Kellan too, pati "it bulaga" and i just started singing bahay kubo to him<:) funny huh?

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