Sunday, November 29, 2009


I can't believe it's been a week since I blogged.It's also hard to believe that it's almost December. We had a wonderful thanksgiving day. Isaac had to work that day though, but he got home at 3pm. Just in in time to bake some hot jalapeno with bacon and cream cheese, and Green bean casserole. It was pretty good. We had our thanksgiving dinner at my sister-in-law's house, with the rest of the family. I pretty much ate a lot.Everything was good. The smoked turkey was fantastic! No wonder my belly is getting bigger.

The following day was "Black Friday Madness Shopping". Sales were everywhere. It started at 12 midnight and ended at 1pm. It was crazy. I didn't go this year though. I was just too tired.

I'm very excited for Christmas. We're not gonna buy anything fancy this year. We'll just buy each other a little present and spend time with our family. And that's more than enough for us. We already got our biggest early Christmas present... A little baby boy from God, who will be here in 8 weeks. I couldn't ask for more. I feel like I already have everything I've ever wanted. And I am very grateful for that.

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